- How many chicks will hatch?
- How many boys and how many girls?
- What date would the chicks be hatched?
*Submit your answers through our Blog. Limited to one entry per person.
**Whoever guessed closest to the actual outcome will be the winner.
***Winning prize can only be shipped to residents of GTA. Sorry!
Congratulations to Esther Martel for guessing the closest answer.
She has received her winning dozen of organic, free range chicken eggs on April 14th, 2014.
We think all the chicks will hatch on March 5th! There will be 10 girls and 2 boys.
I think 6 eggs will hatch on March 13th, 2 boys and 4 girls
I think 7 eggs will hatch on March 12th, 4 girls and 3 boys !
8 chicks – 5 on Mar 5 and 3 on Mar 6
5 girls and 3 boys!
We guess March 8th, 8 girls 4 boys
My guess: 8 chicks will hatch on march 7th
3 boys and 5 girls
I think that 10 eggs will hatch, 6 girls and 4 boys.
I think they will be hatched on March 6th .There will be 6 girls and 4 boys.
I guess 5 boys and 4 girls will be hatched on March 5th .
I think every single on will hatch tomorrow!!!!! They will all be girls. Im certain
Well, I guess I was wrong