We arrived at Winky’s Farm on a cold, windy early spring (felt like winter) day. Myself and two other kids were picked up by Winky’s Papa from a Country Store. Supposedly we were not be kept much longer if we turned out to be Roosters. It was at the time when Winky’s YeYe had just passed away and we were brought in to cheer the little girl up. Winky tells us that we were named after the items she found in the kitchen cupboards: Night (After Night Chocolate); Oreo (Oreo Cookies); and Tea (Orange Pekoe Tea).
We arrived in a cardboard box. But very soon after that Papa built a brooder for us. The brooder was nailed together with some ply woods, and there was a big rack on top to hang the Red Hot Heat Lamp to keep us warm at night. Mama used to joke that the brooder box was big enough for 10 chicks. Well, it didn’t last. Soon Mama was complaining everyday to Papa of when he was gonna get us out of her basement.
- Red heat lamp to keep warm.
- Temperature monitoring.