What did Winky say? “It’s worth it!” Mommy? No comment.
Winky had originally wanted to get Plymouth Rock eggs. However, since it’s still very early in the season, most farms do not carry all species just yet. We had to settle with whatever was available and we ended up with a dozen of Red X eggs.
Theoretically, we would be lucky if half of the 12 eggs we have will hatch. We only intend to keep female chicks. If we end up with any boy chicks at all we plan to give them back to the local farmers. Let them deal with the “Cocka-Doo-Da-Doo” in the early mornings. Hehe.
One march 14, one of the chicks piped a hole in the egg. Since it was late and it didn’t move much, we left it over night. I was so worried that me and my sister slept in the living room with it and we often heard little “peeps” from the egg. The next morning when we woke up, the chick had made a bigger hole. Eventually, the chick zipped and used it’s little legs to push the shell away. Unfortunately, it was the only chick that hatched. We named her Meringue because of her soft, fluffy colour. Since she was lonely we decided to buy her 3 other chicks.