To do this, Winky self-made a Illuminator by using a recycled toilet paper roll and some cardboard pieces. She put the unit together by some packing tape. For the light source, we used a Flashlight. Nice and simple!
Day 7 was an exciting day on Winky’s Farm. We saw signs of life formation. The dark shadows in the eggs are the early signs of embryo development. Winky is so excited!
Mommy hopes we don’t actually end up with 12 chicks.. @_@
On day 14, we candled the eggs, but only 6 survived. The picture to the left did not survive. The cells in this chick exploded. You can tell by the dark red line that represents it’s blood.
This chick did not survive either. For this one, it never properly developed. You can tell its same size from day 2.
This chick has lived! It is much bigger than day 1 and shows no sign of giving up. By now, it has developed its fluff, bones and scales (on its feet.)
On day 17, I candled our eggs for one last time. Though we just candled our eggs a couple days ago, we wanted to make sure all were alive. Unfortunately, one was dead. I have no idea what told me and my family that this egg was dead, though I think that it was the fact that it looked totally different from the others. So we had to throw it out.